Probation Courses
With LaFleur Law, not only do you get an attorney, but a partner and a coach to guide you through the court process and the probation process thereafter.
Fallon is a master’s level LPC candidate and has board certifications in substance abuse, mental health, and life coaching. These certifications enable her to help clients find freedom from harmful behaviors and addiction, and qualify her to teach courses that will be required of you while on probation.
Courses are offered one-on-one to fit your schedule or in a group setting.
Anger Management
Anger is a normal human emotion, and it feels powerful as it takes control of a situation. But angry actions are what get people in trouble.
During this one-on-one course, you will learn about about anger as emotion, it’s true purpose, what happens in your brain when you are angry. Together, we will explore and analyze why you react the way you do in high-stress situations and discuss alternative solutions and what to do when you feel angry and out of control.
Sometimes theft seems like it is justified or the only option.
In this course, participants examine where they are, how they got there, and where they want and need to go in life. Core Topics include reconnecting with personal values, identifying thinking patterns that lead to workable and unworkable choices, and other factors of personal behavior with a focus on changes in behavior and surroundings that are needed following Theft related offenses.
Corrective / Cognitive Thinking
Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do?
This course fosters critical-thinking skills that will aid you in quickly recalling important information, recognizing patterns, thinking ahead, and anticipating outcomes and problems while remaining composed so that emotions do not hinder decision making skills.
Mentorship a proven method of connecting people to share in goals for growth. Usually the Mentor has life experience to share with the Mentee who is seeking personal or professional development.
Our 6-month mentorships are a safe-space to explore your personal potential. There is no homework, no reading assignments, only a fun interactive experience to expand your mindset.
Moral Reconation Therapy
Moral Reconation Therapy also known as MRT, is a 12-session behavioral therapy designed to decrease criminal behavior and treat substance abuse, anger management, trauma and more. MRT teaches participants to focus on the morality and consequences of their behavior. MRT aims to improve participants decision making, thought processes, and overall well-being. MRT has been known to help participants improve their moral-reasoning and positive identity.
MRT includes homework and exercises designed to lower self-destructive behavior and reinforce healthy habits. The MRT Program also helps participants develop a positive identity and confront attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.
Substance Abuse Evaluation
A substance abuse evaluation is a tool used to determine whether a person is struggling with addiction.
Evaluations are divided into two parts: an initial screening followed by a more holistic assessment that helps to determine the next course of action.
Based on a self-assessment, followed by a one-on-one holistic evaluation, next steps in the recovery process may be recommended.